Sunday, July 30, 2006


This website is for anyone and everyone on the journey of life, who is searching for some form of spirituality, for some form of truth. Take a moment and browse the site, especially check out our community link, maybe even post a comment on the blog. What you will find is a group who believes that spiritual journey begins in the person of Jesus Christ. The Rising is a community committed to following Jesus together, where ever that takes us. We do not claim to have all the answers or to have life figured out, but we know the One Who does.

We’re called The Rising for one simple reason: The single most significant event of all of human history happened almost two thousand years ago. A man, fully God and fully human, perfect and sinless, gave His life for us through a horrific death; He was shamed and berated, and considered cursed, and He did it all for us. He died and was placed in a tomb, those closest to Him were sure it was over, they were lost and confused, not too different than many people are today. Then it happened, the perfect, sinless man who was shamed and berated, and left to suffocate to death on a wooden cross, rose from death. The single most significant event in human history happened, The Rising; it changed life forever, death was overcome, the old became new and the hurting were healed. It’s the greatest story of all time and it is why we exist as a group. As Jesus Christ rose from the grave, we are calling all who are searching for spiritual truth to rise up from their grave of spiritual death and join a movement, a rising of believers in our generation who want to see Jesus Christ reign both now and for eternity!

That’s what we’re about, if you’re interested, we gather together every Sunday night at 5pm at Pomona First Baptist Church on Garey Street, a few blocks south of the 10 freeway. Come and worship the risen Lord with us, as we encourage each other in our spiritual journeys!

Because He lives!


Josh Husmann

Pastor to The Rising