Thursday, April 26, 2007


Last Sunday we finished the morality portion of our discussion on integrity at The Rising; specifically we addressed what it means to be a man and really got to the heart of some series issues with which men deal. We talked about sex, lust, dishonesty, pornography, and even masturbation (as a self gratifying distortion of God’s gift of sex). The night had the major, underlying theme that as men we deal with a lot of temptation, particularly in the sexual realm (possibly even more than women because of our biological make-up; men are more quickly aroused, generally speaking) and we must do everything we can to resist temptation, which is a lot if you’re a Christian. I mean, our bodies are home to the Holy Spirit and God doesn’t give us a Spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline - we have the ability to resist temptation. But so many men I know try very hard and still consistently fail. We discussed when we fail as men in our sexual lives we go to God for forgiveness and get back up and do everything possible to allow God to prevent it from happening again, but we don’t give up. Failing in our sexual lives doesn’t make us a failure with God; refusing to repent and discontinuing a pursuit of Christ in our lives does. There is grace, there is a reason Christ came for us.

It’s was a great night of ministry, but I left the night with regrets. You see, not all guys are perverts and sex addicts. Women, and men, you should know that. I personally know many Christian men that do not struggle with pornography, sexual addiction, or yes, even masturbation. Statistically these men are dwindling in number, but believe me they exist. So women, don't give up on your husband, don’t give up on finding a Godly man, and definitely don’t lower your standards. And men, don’t give in to the lie that every guy struggles with sexual perversions. They don’t. Know there’s grace, get back up, and remember it’s possible to break the bondage sin places us in. Christ came for many reasons: we can be forgiven for our sins, as well as be free of the sin that binds us. It’s good news no matter how you look at it.

What's your opinion on these issues? What's your experience? Can you relate? This is an open and honest dialogue, so let's hear it!


Blogger Susan Sprott said...

This blog was very inspiring! I have so much respect for those who fight to live godly lives! Through temptations or hardships of any kind, we are able to see where our perserverance lies. There are people waiting for someone godly, we can do whatever it takes to follow Christ and improve on our godliness every day. It is a process, and there will be times when it is tough. I have found that the men I have liked the most are the ones who are absolutely on fire for God. It is attractive when people are living for God.

Have a great day!

6:09 PM

Blogger The Rising Community said...

Thanks for the insights's encouraging for men to hear that!

12:30 PM


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